

C39. [ASPLOS'24] Tsun-Yu Yang, Cale England, Yi Li, Bingzhe Li, and Ming-Chang Yang, "Grafu: Unleashing the Full Potential of Future Value Computation for Out-of-core Synchronous Graph Processing," ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.

C38. [ASPLOS'24] Yixun Wei, Bingzhe Li, and David Du, “An Encoding Scheme to Enlarge Practical DNA Storage Capacity by Reducing Primer-Payload Collisions”, The ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems.

C37. [HPCA'24] Yi Li, Tsun-Yu Yang, Ming-Chang Yang, Zhaoyan Shen, Bingzhe Li, “Celeritas: Out-of-Core based Unsupervised Graph Neural Network via Cross-layer Computing”, The 30th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture. (75/410=18.2%)

C36. [SIGMOD'24] Zehao Chen, Bingzhe Li, Xiaojun Cai, Zhiping Jia, Lei Ju, Zili Shao, and Zhaoyan Shen, “ChainKV: A Semantics-Aware KeyValue Store for Ethereum System”, ACM INternational Conference on Management of Data.


J12. [IEEE TC] Zhaoyan Shen, Qingxiang Tang, Tianren Zhou, Yuhao Zhang, Zhiping Jia, Dongxiao Yu, Zhiyong Zhang, and Bingzhe Li, “ASHL: An Adaptive Multi-stage Distributed Deep Learning Training Scheme for Heterogeneous Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

C35. [ICCD'23] Hao Wen, Zhichao Cao, Bingzhe Li, David Du, Ayman Abouelwafa, Doug Voigt, Shiyong Liu, Jim Diehl and Fenggang Wu, “K8sES: Optimizing Kubernetes with Enhanced Storage Service-Level Objectives”, The 41th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

C34. [MASCOTS'23] Bingzhe Li, Li Ou, Bo Yuan, and David Du, “DP-DNA: A Digital Pattern-Aware DNA Encoding Scheme to Improve Encoding Density of DNA Storage”, The 31st International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems.

C33. [DAC'23] Qian Wei, Yi Li, Zhiping Jia, Mengying Zhao, Zhaoyan Shen and Bingzhe Li, “Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Management for Convertible SSDs”, The 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.

C32. [ISQED'23] Brady Prince, Hassan M. Najafi and Bingzhe Li, “Scalable Low-Cost Sorting Network with Weighted Bit-Streams”, International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).

J11. [JSA] YuhongSong, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Qingfeng Zhuge, Rui Xua, Xiaowe Xu, Bingzhe Li, and Lei Yang, “Hardware-aware neural architecture search for stochastic computing-based neural networks on tiny devices”, Journal of Systems Architecture.


J10. [IEEE TCAD] Zhaoyan Shen, Yuhan Yang, Yungang Pan, Yuhao Zhang, Zhiping Jia, Xiaojun Cai, Bingzhe Li, Zili Shao, “A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Cache Cleaning Scheme for DM-SMR”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems.

C31. [ICCD'22] Yi Li, David Du, Li Ou, and Bingzhe Li, HL-DNA: A Hybrid Lossy/Lossless Encoding Scheme to Enhance DNA Storage Density and Robustness for Images”, 2022 The 40th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

C30. [ICCAD'22] Qian Wei, Zhaoyan Shen, Yiheng Tong, Zhiping Jia, Lei Ju, Jiezhi Chen and Bingzhe Li, "Re-LSM: A ReRAM-based Processing-in-Memory Framework for LSM-based Key-Value Store”, 2022 41th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design. (132/586=22.5%)

C29. [NAS'22]Milan Shetti, Bingzhe Li and David H.C. Du, "Machine Learning-based Adaptive Migration Algorithm for Hybrid Storage Systems”, 16th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS 2022)

J9. [ACM TECS] Qian Wei, Bingzhe Li, Wanli Chang, Zhiping Jia, Zhaoyan Shen, and Zili Shao, “A Survey of Blockchain Data Management Systems”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (2022). (pdf)

C28. [ASP-DAC'22] Yuhong Song, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha, Qingfeng Zhuge, Rui Xu, Yongzhuo Zhang, Bingzhe Li, and Lei Yang, “BSC: Block-based Stochastic Computing to Enable Accurate and Efficient TinyML”, The 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference.


C27. [ICCD'21] Zehao Chen, Bingzhe Li, Xiaojun Cai, Zhiping Jia, Zhaoyan Shen, Yi Wang and Zili Shao, “Block-LSM: An Ethereum-aware Block-ordered LSM-tree based Key-Value Storage Engine”, 2021 The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design. (Best Paper Candidate (6/246=2.4%))

C26. [ICCD'21] Bingzhe Li, Bo Yuan and David Du, “EFM: Elastic Flash Management to Enhance Performance of Hybrid Flash Memory”, 2021 The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

C25. [ICCD'21] Bingzhe Li, and David Du, “WAS-Deletion: Workload-Aware Secure Deletion Scheme for Solid-State Drives”, 2021 The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

C24. [ISPA'21] Milan Shetti, Bingzhe Li, and David Du, "E-VM: An Elastic Virtual Machine Scheduling Algorithm to Minimize the Total Cost of Ownership in a Hybrid Cloud", The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications.

C23. [Systor'21] Bingzhe Li, Li Ou, and David Du, "IMG-DNA: Approximate DNA Storage for Images", The 14th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference.

C22. [Systor'21] Jinfeng Yang, Bingzhe Li, and David Lilja, "HeuristicDB: A Hybrid Storage Database System Using a Non-Volatile Memory Block Device", The 14th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference.

C21. [DAC'21] Yungang Pan, Zhiping Jia, Zhaoyan Shen, Bingzhe Li, Wanli Chang, and Zili Shao, "Reinforcement Learning-Assisted Cache Cleaning to Mitigate Long-Tail Latency in DM-SMR", The 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.

J8. [ACM TOS] Fenggang Wu, Bingzhe Li, and David Du, "FluidSMR: Adaptive Management for Hybrid SMR Drives", ACM Transactions on Storage (2021)

J7. [IEEE Access] Lintao Xian, Bingzhe Li, Jing Liu, Zhongwen Guo, and David Du, "H-PS: A Heterogeneous-aware Parameter Server with Distributed Neural Network Training", IEEE Access (2021)


J6. [IEEE TC] Fenggang Wu, Bingzhe Li, Baoquan Zhang, Zhichao Cao, Hao Wen, Jim Diehl, Guohua Wang, and David Du, "TrackLace: Data Management for Interlaced Magnetic Recording", IEEE Transactions on Computers. (Featured Paper in the March 2021 issue of IEEE TC)

C20. [HotStorage'20] Bingzhe Li, Nae Young Song, Li Ou, and David Du, "Can We Store the Whole World's Data in DNA Storage?", The 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems.

J5. [ACM TOMPECS] Jinfeng Yan, Bingzhe Li, and David J. Lilja, "Exploring Performance Characteristics of the Optane 3D Xpoint Storage Technology", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS) 5.1 (2020): 1-28.

B1. M. Hassan Najafi, S. Rasoul Faraji, Bingzhe Li, David J. Lilja, and Kia Bazargan, "Stochastic-Binary Convolutional Neural Networks with Deterministic Bit-streams", Hardware Architectures for Deep Learning, Publisher: IET, April 2020.


C19. [ICCAD'19] Bingzhe Li, Chunhua Deng, Jinfeng Yang, David Lilja, Bo Yuan, and David Du, “HAML-SSD: A Hardware Accelerated Hotness-Aware Machine Learning based SSD Management”, The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design.

C18. [HotStorage'19] Fenggang Wu, Bingzhe Li, Zhichao Cao, Baoquan Zhang, Ming-Hong Yang, Hao Wen, and David Du, “ZoneAlloy: Elastic Data and Space Management for Hybrid SMR Drives”, 11th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems.

C17. [GLSVLSI'19] Bingzhe Li*, Jiaxi Hu*, M. Hassan Najafi, Steven Koester, and David J. Lilja, "Low Cost Hybrid Spin-CMOS Compressor for Stochastic Neural Networks", The 29th edition of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. (*The first two authors contributed equally)

C16. [GLSVLSI'19] Bingzhe Li and David Du, "TASecure: Temperature-Aware Secure Deletion Scheme for Solid State Drives ", The 29th edition of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.

C15. [FAST'19] Zhichao Cao, Shiyong Liu, Fenggang Wu, Guohua Wang, Bingzhe Li , and David Du, "Sliding Look-Back Window Assisted Data Chunk Rewriting for Improving Deduplication Restore Performance", 17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies.

C14. [ISQED'19] M. Hassan Najafi, Sayed Abdolrasoul Faraji, Bingzhe Li, David J. Lilja, and Kia Bazargan, "Accelerating Deterministic Bit-Stream Computing with Resolution Splitting", 20th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design.

C13. [DATE'19] Sayed Abdolrasoul Faraji, M. Hassan Najafi, Bingzhe Li, Kia Bazargan, and David J. Lilja, "Energy-Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Deterministic Bit-Stream Processing", The 2019 ACM/IEEE Design, Automation, and Test in Europe.

J4. [IEEE T-ED] Jiaxi Hu*, Bingzhe Li*, Cong Ma, David J. Lilja, and Steven Koester, "Spin-Hall-Effect based Stochastic Number Generator for Parallel Stochastic Computing", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66.8 (2019): 3620-3627. (*The first two authors contributed equally)

J3. [ACM JETC] Bingzhe Li, M. Hassan Najafi, and David Lilja. "Low-Cost Stochastic Hybrid Multiplier for Quantized Neural Networks." ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 15.2 (2019): 18.

J2. [ACM JETC] Bingzhe Li, Yaobin Qin, Bo Yuan, and David Lilja, "Neural Network Classifiers using a Hardware-based Approximate Activation Function with a Hybrid Stochastic Multiplier" ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 15.1 (2019): 12. DOI:

Before 2018

C12. [ISQED'18] Bingzhe Li, M. Hassan Najafi, Bo Yuan, and David J. Lilja. “Quantized Neural Networks with New Stochastic Multipliers”, 19th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design.

C11. [NAS'18] Bingzhe Li, Meng Yang, Soheil Mohajer, Weikang Qian, and David Lilja, "Tier-code: An XOR-based RAID-6 Code with Improved Write and Degraded-mode Read Performance", 13th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage.

C10. [IEEE UEMCON’18] Yaobin Qin, Bingzhe Li, and David J. Lilja, “Enhancing the Ensemble of Exemplar-SVMs for Binary Classification Using Concurrent Selection and Ensemble Learning”, The 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference.

C9. [IWLS'18] M. Hassan Najafi, S. Rasoul Faraji, Bingzhe Li, David Lilja, and Kia Bazargan , "Using Resolution Splitting to Enhance Performance of Deterministic Bit-Stream Computing ", The 27th International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis

C8. [ISVLSI'18] Meng Yang, Bingzhe Li, David J. Lilja, Bo Yuan, and Weikang Qian. “Towards Theoretical Cost Limit of Stochastic Number Generators for Stochastic Computing”, 2018 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI.

C7. [HotStorage'18] Fenggang Wu, Baoquan Zhang, Zhichao Cao, Hao Wen, Bingzhe Li, Jim Diehl, Guohua Wang, and David HC Du. “Data Management Design for Interlaced Magnetic Recording”, 10th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems.

J1. [Elsevier Performance Evaluation] Bingzhe Li, Hao Wen, Farnaz Toussi, Clark Anderson, Bernard A. Ling-Smith, David Lilja, and David H.C. Du, "NetStorage: A Synchronized Trace-Driven Replayer for Network-Storage System Evaluation " Performance Evaluation (2018).

C6. [ICCD'17] Bingzhe Li, Yaobin Qin, Bo Yuan, and David Lilja, “Neural Network Classifiers using Stochastic Computing with a Hardware-Oriented Approximate Activation Function”, ICCD 2017, The 35th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design.

C5, [NAS'17] Bingzhe Li, Farnaz Toussi, Clark Anderson, David J. Lilja, and David HC Du. "TraceRAR: An I/O Performance Evaluation Tool for Replaying, Analyzing, and Regenerating Traces." In Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS), 2017 International Conference on, pp. 1-10. IEEE, 2017.

C4. [ICPADS'17] Manas Minglani, Jim Diehl, Xiang Cao, Bingzhe Li, Dongchul Park, David J. Lilja, and David H.C. Du, Kinetic Action: Performance Analysis of Integrated Key-Value Storage Devices vs. LevelDB Servers”, IEEE ICPADS 2017: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

C3. [NAS'16] Bingzhe Li, Manas Minglani, and David Lilja. "Ps-Code: A New Code for Improved Degraded Mode Read and Write Performance of RAID Systems." Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.

C2. [FPGA'16] Bingzhe Li, M. Hassan Najafi, and David J. Lilja. "Using stochastic computing to reduce the hardware requirements for a restricted Boltzmann machine classifier." Proceedings of the 2016 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. ACM, 2016.

C1. [ASAP'15] Bingzhe Li, M. Hassan Najafi, and David J. Lilja. "An FPGA implementation of a Restricted Boltzmann Machine classifier using stochastic bit streams. “Application specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2015 IEEE 26th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.


P4. Mohammadhassan Najafi, David J Lilja, Marcus Riedel, Kiarash Bazargan, Sayed Abdolrasoul Faraji, Bingzhe Li, "Low-discrepancy deterministic bit-stream processing using sobol sequences", U.S. Patent Application Number: US16/906,122, Type: Provisional, Filing Date: 2020.

P3. M. Hassan Najafi, S. Rasoul Faraji, Bingzhe Li, David J. Lilja, and Kia Bazargan, "Resolution Splitting for Bit-Stream Processing", U.S. Patent Application Number: 62/864,798, Type: Provisional, Filing Date: June 2019.

P2. Bingzhe Li, M. Hassan Najafi, and David J. Lilja, "Low-Cost Stochastic Hybrid Multiplier for Quantized Neural Networks", U.S. Patent Application Number: 62/817,343, Type: Provisional, Filing Date: March 2019.

P1. Han Shi, Bingzhe Li, and Fangcheng Gan, "Intelligent asphalt spreading amount control apparatus", Publication number: CN201413459 Y, Publication type: Grant, Publication date: Feb 24, 2010.