Lab for Intelligent Storage and Computing (Lab4ISC)

About Lab4ISC:

Lab for Intelligent Storage and Computing (Lab4ISC) at the University of Texas at Dallas mainly focuses on two main research directions. One lies in computer systems, including memory/storage systems, system for emerging applications (e.g., Blockchain and machine learning), and storage system security. The other focuses on low-cost hardware design in edge computing and IoT. Specifically, the current research interests include:

• Intelligent and Emerging Storage Systems (e.g., DNA storage, ML for systems, etc.)

• Systems for Big Data Applications (e.g., Blockchain, Machine Learning, etc.)

• Energy-efficient and Low-power Computing Architecture

We are looking for self-motivated students who are interested in pursuing Ph.D. degrees on the topic of developing storage and computer systems or designing energy efficient computing architecture for intelligent systems.

Recent news:

•12/2024 [Paper] One paper accepted by FAST'25

•11/2024 [Paper] One paper accepted by ICDE'25

•11/2024 [Service] Invited as PC at FAST'26

•11/2024 [Service] Invited to serve on a NSF panel

•11/2024 [Award] Congratulate Nathan for his Undergraduate Research Scholar Award (URSA) at UTD

•11/2024 [Service] Invited as TPC at DAC'25

•11/2024 [Award] A project is funded by Edge Networking Systems, LLC. Thanks for the support!

•10/2024 [Service] Invited as PC Chair at IEEE Cloud Summit 2025

•09/2024 [Talk] Talk about DNA storage at SNIA SDC'24 (LINK)

•09/2024 [Service] Invited as PC at IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'25)

•08/2024 [Service] Invited as PC at International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC‘24)

•07/2024 [Service] Invited as PACMI'25 TPC (co-located with SOSP'25)

•07/2024 [Paper] One paper is accepted by ICCAD'24

•06/2024 [Award] Collaborative CyberTraining project for ethical AI is awarded by NSF (LINK). Thanks for NSF!

•06/2024 [Award] Gift money for DNA storage from Seagate. Thanks for Seagate!

•05/2024 [Service] Invited as HPCA'25 TPC

•05/2024 [Service] Invited as ICCD'24 TPC

•05/2024 [Service] Invited as FAST'25 TPC

•05/2024 [Paper] One paper about storage sustainability is invited by ISVLSI'24

•04/2024 [Service] Invited as PACRIM'24 TPC

•03/2024 [Service] Invited as ICCAD'24 TPC

•02/2023 [Paper] One poster about sustainability is accepted by NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability (LINK)

•12/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by TCAD

•11/2023 [Paper] Two papers are accepted by ASPLOS'24

•10/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by HPCA'24

•10/2023 [Talk] Invited talk at TAMU

•09/2023 [Talk] Talk about DNA storage at SNIA SDC'23 (LINK)

•09/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)

•08/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by SIGMOD'24

•08/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by ICCD'23

•08/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by MASCOTS'23

•08/2023 Dr. Li joined CS department of University of Texas at Dallas as an Assistant Professor

•04/2023 [Service] Invited as ICCAD'23 TPC

•02/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by Design Automation Conference (DAC'23)

•01/2023 [Paper] One paper is accepted by International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)

•12/2022 [Paper] One paper is accepted by Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA)

•12/2022 [Paper] One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)

•11/2022 [Service] Invited as ASP-DAC'23 student research forum TPC

•10/2022 [Service] Invited as DAC'23 TPC

•09/2022 [Paper] One DNA storage paper is accepted by ICCD'22. Congratulation to Yi!

•08/2022 [Award] The RAFT project is awarded by NASA (Co-PI). Thanks for NASA!

•08/2022 [Award] Hybrid/Convertible SSD project is awarded by NSF (Sole PI). Thanks for NSF!

•07/2022 [Award] Collaborative DNA storage project is awarded by NSF. Thanks for NSF!

•07/2022 [Paper] One paper is accepted by ICCAD'22

•07/2022 [Service] Inivited as SEED'22 Registration Chair

•06/2022 [Paper] One paper is accepted by NAS'22

•05/2022 [Service] Invited as ICCAD'22 TPC

•04/2022 [Paper] One paper is accepted as a poster by CODE+ISSS'22

•03/2022 [Award] Obtained a gift donation from NVIDIA ACADEMIC HARDWARE GRANT PROGRAM. Thanks for NVIDIA!

•01/2022 [Member] Joined as a member of DNA Data Storage Alliance

•01/2022 [Talk] Invited talk at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette

•12/2021 [Paper] A Blockchain survey paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS)

•11/2021 [Paper] One paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Storage (ACM TOS)

•10/2021 [Award] "Block-LSM" paper selected as the best paper candidate by ICCD'21 (6/246=2.4%)

•10/2021 [Service] Inivited as DAC'22 TPC

•09/2021 [Paper] One paper is accepted by The 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'22)

•08/2021 [Paper] Three papers are accepted by 2021 The 39th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'21)

•07/2021 [Paper] One paper is accepted by The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA'21)

•05/2021 [Service] Invited to serve as registration chair for IISWC'21

•04/2021 [Paper] Two papers are accepted by The 14th ACM International System and Storage Conference (Systor'21)

•03/2021 [Service] Invited to serve as registration chair for ICCD'21 (Welcome to submit your paper to ICCD'21!)

•02/2021 [Paper] One paper is accepted by Design Automation Conference (DAC'21)

•02/2021 [Paper] One paper is accepted by IEEE Access

•02/2021 [Award] 'TrackLace' paper has been selected as the Featured Paper in IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)

•11/2020 [Service] Inivited as DAC'21 TPC

•10/2020 [Service] Served as ICCD'20 Session Chair

•08/2020 Dr. Li joined Oklahoma State University as an Assistant Professor

•04/2020 One paper is accepted by The 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'20)
•04/2020 One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)
•11/2019 One paper is accepted by ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ACM TOMPECS)
•06/2019 One paper is accepted by IEEE/ACM 2019 International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD'19)
•06/2019 One US provisional patent application is filled
•05/2019 One paper is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (IEEE T-ED)
•04/2019 One paper is accepted by The 11th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'19)
•03/2019 One US provisional patent application is filled
•02/2019 Invited to serve as a Program Committee member for ISVLSI'19
•02/2019 Two papers are accepted by The 29th edition of the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI'19)
•01/2019 One paper is accepted by ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing (ACM JETC)
•12/2018 One paper is accepted by The 17th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST '19)
•12/2018 One paper is accepted by The 22nd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'19)
•11/2018 One paper is accepted by Elsevier Performance Evaluation
•11/2018 One paper is accepted by The 2019 ACM/IEEE Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE'19)
•10/2018 One paper is accepted by ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing (ACM JETC)
•09/2018 One paper is accepted by The 9th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE UEMCON’18 )
•07/2018 One paper is accepted by The 13th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS'18)
•05/2018 The storage I/O re-player tool - TraceRAR is released! [Code]
•04/2018 One paper is accepted by The 10th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage'18)
•04/2018 One paper is accepted by The 27th International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis (IWLS'18)
•12/2017 One paper is accepted by The 21st International International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED'18)
•08/2017 One paper is accepted by The 35th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD'17)
•07/2017 One paper is accepted by The 12th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS'17)
•07/2017 One paper is accepted by The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'17)
•07/2016 One paper is accepted by The 11th International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS'16)
•11/2015 One paper is accepted by The 24th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA'16)
•04/2015 One paper is accepted by The 27th Annual IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP'16)